Madewell Chiropractic

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About Your Practice

Madewell Chiropractic is a family wellness practice in Oceanside CA. Madewell provides nervous system-centered chiropractic care and functional health testing for the entire family.


Our mission is to create a healing space that will serve as a container to process old patterns stored in the nervous system and create space for new possibilities of health.

Madewell Chiropractic founder, Madeline Netley DC is passionate about empowering you to take the wheel on your own health journey. She creates a space for deep healing and reminds you that are already made well.

Dr. Madeline holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from California State University San Marcos University and a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West. Additional certifications include the Webster technique as well as training with the ICPA and craniosacral work.

Dr. Madeline was led to chiropractic through a shocking kidney cancer diagnosis in her early 20s. She faced overwhelming appointments, imaging and eventually surgery with little support from her doctors. Discouraged, she was told over and over that nothing she did to support her body’s natural ability to heal would make a difference. With a rebel spirit, she was determined to find new ways to support her healing. She already understood that the nervous system controlled everything in her body so the first thing she did was seek out a chiropractor. Under chiropractic care she finally received the physical and emotional support she was desperately looking for and something sparked in her. From there, she applied to chiropractic school and began one month into her recovery.

A decade later she is cancer free and serving her community with a heart centered focus. Dr. Madeline uses a mix of techniques for your body that is unique to what your system needs that day. It is her intention to remind each individual that they are already made well and to support them on their own journey toward optimal health. Dr. Madeline firmly believes that through chiropractic care you too can experience life more fully.


Madewell offers nervous system-centered chiropractic. When you have an experience that you haven’t processed, the energy carrying that information can get stuck in the nervous system. Your body has a natural intelligence within that releases pain signals as a warning to slow down, process and release that stored energy. The problem is that often we are so busy we don’t take the time that our bodies need. Instead of a release, that energy gets trapped in an old pattern and doesn’t move. As you build up more and more patterns over time your ability to adapt to what life throws at you gets smaller.

We work with the nervous system via gentle spinal adjustments to release that stored potential energy and enhance overall body function. Every system in the body — circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal — depends on the optimal function of the nervous system. Chiropractic care is the foundation for true healing because it unleashes your body’s ability to heal itself.

Dr. Madeline is amazing! She really listened to what was going on with me and explained how chiropractic is so much more than just getting out of pain. I look forward to my weekly visit with her and will be bringing my family in next!

Jacy R.